Frankoma Pottery Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Value of my Frankoma piece?
The Frankoma Pottery Company does not provide appraisals. However, values can be obtained from ebay.com and value reference books.
Is my Frankoma Dinnerware microwave, oven, and dishwasher safe?
Regardless of age, Frankoma dinnerware should first be inspected for chips and crazing. Frankoma items in excellent condition can then be used in the oven and dishwasher. Regarding microwave usage, we recommend using most Frankoma pieces only for reheating food for short periods of time only. We do not recommend microwave cooking for extended durations.
Can you help me sell my vintage Frankoma pottery?
The best methods to sell your vintage items include ebay.com, Craigslist, and selected Facebook groups.
Does my Frankoma dinnerware have lead in it and is it safe to use?
Generally speaking, most Frankoma dinnerware made prior to the year 2000 contained lead. After that year, the US government banned leaded glazes in dinnerware. Our opinion is that older Frankoma dinnerware containing lead is safe to use as long as it is in good condition with no chips or crazing.
Is The Frankoma Pottery Company currently offering plant tours?
Yes, we offer plant tours! Please schedule in advance by calling the office at 918.914.1277. Best days for tours are Monday through Friday between 10:30 am and 3:00 pm.